DiscoverThe DeckThe Deck Investigates S1 | Part 3
The Deck Investigates S1 | Part 3

The Deck Investigates S1 | Part 3

Update: 2024-09-043


This podcast delves into the unsolved murder of Darling Holes, a case that has remained cold for decades. The podcasters meticulously examine the evidence, interview witnesses, and confront the authorities about their handling of the investigation. They uncover new information about the victim's cause of death, suggesting that she was strangled, not killed by blunt force trauma as previously determined. This revelation leads them to question the official narrative and the authorities' lack of urgency in pursuing leads. The podcasters also highlight the frustration of the victim's family, who have been seeking answers for years. They expose inconsistencies in the prosecutor's statements and his reluctance to test key pieces of evidence, raising concerns about his commitment to solving the case. The podcasters explore various potential suspects, including Mike Parsons, a man with a history of mental illness and potential connections to the victim. They also investigate an alleged confession made by a man named Jason, adding another layer of complexity to the case. Throughout the series, the podcasters emphasize the importance of accurate information, thorough investigation, and justice for the victim. They call on listeners to support the family's fight for answers and to hold the authorities accountable for their actions.


Introduction and Recap

This episode begins with a brief introduction and a recap of the previous episode.

The Parsons Family and Discrepancies

The podcasters discover inconsistencies between their information about the Parsons family and Nelson's statements. They reach out to a former employee of Nelson for clarification.

Untangling Misinformation and New Leads

The podcasters delve into old reports and tips from the early days of the investigation, finding new leads related to the Parsons family.

Potential Suspects and Tips

The podcasters uncover several tips from the initial investigation that point towards the Parsons brothers as potential suspects.

Darryl Parsin's Arrest and Potential Link

The podcasters investigate a police report about a man arrested for public intoxication, potentially linking Darryl Parsin to the case.

The Parsons Family's Alibi and Inconsistencies

The podcasters explore an alibi provided for Darryl Parsin, but find inconsistencies and question the lack of investigation into other Parsons brothers.

Jay Parsin's Polygraph and Inconsistencies

The podcasters examine Jay Parsin's polygraph test results and find inconsistencies in his statements, raising further questions about his involvement.

Confronting Nelson and Discrepancies

The podcasters confront Nelson about the discrepancies they have found, but he brushes them off as simple mix-ups.

Nelson's Explanation and Persons of Interest

Nelson admits that the Parsons family were considered persons of interest in Brandy Peltz's case, but not Darleen's. He explains the presence of the family tree on the whiteboard and his confusion about the case.

Nelson's Suspicions and Mike Parsons

Nelson reveals his suspicions about Mike Parsons, who has a mental illness, and suggests that the Parsons family became persons of interest in the Peltz case after other theories fell apart.

Nelson's Contradictions and Investigation Progress

Nelson contradicts himself about the Parsons family's involvement in the case, raising further questions about his honesty and the investigation's progress.

Common Ground and Potential Connections

The podcasters note that Darryl Lemon, the Parsons family, and Kenneth McCune Jr. all have one thing in common: they lived near Darleen and where her body was found.

Re-examining the Evidence and Darleen's Autopsy

The podcasters decide to re-examine everything they have learned so far, starting with Darleen's autopsy.

Questioning the Autopsy and Inconsistencies

The podcasters find inconsistencies in Darleen's autopsy report, leading them to question the official cause of death.

A Massive Revelation and New Cause of Death

The podcasters consult with a medical expert who believes that Darleen's cause of death was strangulation, not blunt force trauma.

The New Cause of Death and Significance

The medical expert explains his reasoning for believing that Darleen was strangled, highlighting the significance of the fractured hyoid bone.

Implications of the New Findings and Suspect's Behavior

The podcasters discuss the implications of the new findings about Darleen's cause of death, suggesting that it could provide valuable insights into the suspect's behavior and motive.

Analyzing the Suspect's Behavior and Potential Motive

The podcasters analyze the suspect's potential behavior based on the new information, suggesting that he may have displayed anger and a desire for an intimate assault.

The Sexual Assault Kit and Inconsistencies

The podcasters investigate the sexual assault kit that was performed on Darleen, finding inconsistencies and a lack of documentation.

Blood on Darleen's Underwear and Questioning Circumstances

The podcasters examine a photo from Darleen's autopsy that shows blood drops on her underwear, leading them to question the circumstances surrounding her death.

A New Witness and Contradictory Information

The podcasters interview a witness who saw Darleen alive in the suspect's car, contradicting the previous theory that she was unconscious or dead when taken from the house.

Cindy Sellers' Testimony and Detailed Information

Cindy Sellers, a witness, provides detailed information about seeing Darleen alive in the suspect's car, including the suspect's reaction to being noticed.

The U-Turn and Reconsidering the Crime Scene

The podcasters analyze Cindy Sellers' testimony, highlighting the significance of the suspect's U-turn and questioning the previously held theory about his knowledge of the area.

Reconsidering the Crime Scene and Alternative Possibilities

The podcasters re-examine the crime scene, questioning the location where Darleen entered the woods and suggesting alternative possibilities.

The Hunter's Statement and Potential Route

The podcasters discuss a statement from a hunter who saw a green Nova in the woods, suggesting that the suspect may have entered the woods through a different route.

The Importance of Physical Evidence and Testing

The podcasters emphasize the importance of testing physical evidence, such as Darleen's underwear and the sexual assault kit, to potentially identify the suspect.

The Evidence's Fate and Inconsistencies

The podcasters question the prosecutor about the testing of evidence, finding inconsistencies and a lack of clarity about what has been tested and when.

The Gatekeeper and Roadblocks in Information

The podcasters encounter roadblocks in their attempts to obtain information about the testing of evidence, finding that all inquiries lead back to Nelson.

Frustration with Authorities and Lack of Progress

The podcasters express frustration with the lack of progress in the investigation, questioning the authorities' commitment to solving the case.

The Sexual Assault Kit's Contents and Testing Methods

The podcasters discuss the contents of the sexual assault kit, highlighting the variability in testing methods and the importance of re-examining the evidence.

The Semen and Untested Evidence

The podcasters reveal that semen was found in the sexual assault kit, but it was never tested. They question the authorities' decision not to pursue this evidence.

The Missing Information and Lack of Documentation

The podcasters express concern about the lack of documentation and the potential loss of information due to retirements and deaths of individuals involved in the case.

Ron's Involvement and Lack of Documentation

The podcasters discuss Ron's statement about having sex with Darleen before her death, questioning the lack of documentation and the authorities' reliance on his statement.

The Need for DNA Testing and Potential Identification

The podcasters emphasize the importance of DNA testing the semen sample and Darleen's underwear to potentially identify the suspect.

Darleen's Wrists and Potential DNA Evidence

The podcasters discuss a potential indication of Darleen being bound with tape, suggesting that the tape could contain valuable DNA evidence.

Sharing the Findings and Family's Reaction

The podcasters share their findings with Darleen's daughters, who are not surprised by the new information about strangulation and a possible sexual assault.

Marie's Perspective and Questioning Authorities

Marie, Darleen's daughter, expresses her belief that the murder was sexually motivated and questions the authorities' initial conclusion that there was no sexual assault.

Moving Forward and Accountability

The podcasters acknowledge the limitations of the investigation and the human element involved, but emphasize the importance of holding the authorities accountable for solving the case.

The Next Steps and Plans for Investigation

The podcasters outline the next steps for investigators and their own plans to continue investigating the case.

Ron's DNA and Potential Relevance

The podcasters discuss the need to test Ron's DNA against the partial male profile found on Darleen's blouse to determine if it is relevant to the investigation.

Next in the Investigation and Pressing for Action

The podcasters continue to press for action from the authorities, including obtaining a DNA swab from Kenneth McCune Jr. and testing the evidence.

Nelson's Lack of Urgency and Excuses

The podcasters express frustration with Nelson's lack of urgency in moving the case forward, highlighting his consistent excuses and delays.

Motivation for Solving the Case and Justice

The podcasters discuss Nelson's motivations for wanting to solve the case, including justice, ego, and closure for the family.

The Need for Action and Testing Evidence

The podcasters emphasize the need for the authorities to test the evidence, as it is the only remaining step in potentially identifying the suspect.

Darleen's Family's Frustration and Waiting for Answers

The podcasters acknowledge the frustration of Darleen's family, who have been waiting for answers for nearly four decades.

Nelson's Indifference and Prioritizing Cases

The podcasters reveal that Nelson has never considered the possibility of prioritizing Darleen's case due to the length of time her family has waited for answers.

The To-Do List and Testing Evidence

The podcasters outline the to-do list for the authorities, including testing Ron's DNA and other evidence.

The Podcasters' To-Do List and Unanswered Questions

The podcasters discuss their own plans to continue investigating the case, focusing on unanswered questions and potential leads.

New Leads and The Appliance Guy

The podcasters highlight a new lead related to the appliance guy, Lee, who was supposed to visit the Hulse home on the day of Darleen's abduction.

The Appliance Guy and Potential Connection

The podcasters question the lack of investigation into Lee, who was supposed to visit the Hulse home on the day of Darleen's abduction, and uncover a potential connection to his son.

The Pastor Theory and Lack of Evidence

The podcasters discuss a rumor about Ray Oviott, a former Baptist pastor, potentially being involved in Darleen's murder, but find no evidence to support this theory.

The Prescription Paper and Robert Ewing

The podcasters uncover a torn piece of prescription paper with the name Robert Ewing on it, dated August 17th, 1984, the day Darleen was abducted.

Robert Ewing's Involvement and Inconsistencies

The podcasters investigate Robert Ewing's potential involvement in the case, finding inconsistencies in his statement and questioning the authorities' lack of follow-up.

Other Leads and Potential Connections

The podcasters discuss other leads, including a young man who was hunting in the woods on the day Darleen's body was found and the Hulse family's dog breeder.

The Brandy Peltz Case and Similarities

The podcasters suggest that the Brandy Peltz case should be re-examined in light of the new information about Darleen's murder, highlighting the similarities between the two cases.

Other Cases and Potential Connections

The podcasters discuss other rapes and murders that occurred in Northern Indiana around the same time as Darleen's murder, suggesting potential connections.

The Search for Answers and Hope for Justice

The podcasters express hope that the authorities will conduct the necessary testing and provide answers to Darleen's family.

Darleen's Family's Desire and Seeking Answers

The podcasters emphasize that Darleen's family is seeking answers, not justice or vengeance.

Questions for the Suspect and Desire for Understanding

The podcasters imagine asking the suspect questions about his motivations and actions, expressing a desire for understanding and closure.

The Impact on the Family and Resilience

The podcasters discuss the impact of the case on Darleen's family, highlighting their resilience and the importance of finding closure.

Darleen's Legacy and Loving Mother

The podcasters celebrate Darleen's life and her legacy as a loving mother, friend, and sister.

Remembering Darleen and Loving Nature

The podcasters share memories of Darleen, emphasizing her loving nature and her dedication to her family.

Darleen's Audio Diaries and Playful Personality

The podcasters share audio recordings of Darleen with her daughters, highlighting her loving and playful personality.

Darleen's Life and Victim for One Day

The podcasters reflect on Darleen's life, emphasizing that she was a victim for only one day, but a loving and dedicated person for 28 years.

The End of the Series and Commitment to Investigation

The podcasters announce the end of the series for now, but emphasize their commitment to continuing to investigate Darleen's murder.

Call to Action and Supporting Darleen's Family

The podcasters call on listeners to support Darleen's family by signing a petition to have her evidence tested.

Seeking Information and Requesting Assistance

The podcasters request information from individuals who may have relevant information about the case, including witnesses, potential suspects, and law enforcement officials.

Government Discretion and Lack of Cooperation

The podcasters discuss the lack of cooperation from the Marshall County Prosecutor, Nelson Chipman, and his refusal to meet with Darleen's family.

Darleen's Family's Letter and Frustration

The podcasters share a letter written by Darleen's daughters to Nelson Chipman, expressing their frustration with his lack of action and demanding a meeting.

Nelson's Response and Declining to Meet

The podcasters share Nelson's response to Darleen's family's letter, in which he apologizes for the state of their relationship but declines to meet with them.

Nelson's Statement and Defending Actions

The podcasters discuss Nelson's statement to WNDU TV, in which he defends his handling of the case and claims that the evidence has been thoroughly examined.

The Evidence's History and Inconsistencies

The podcasters review the history of evidence testing in Darleen's case, highlighting inconsistencies in Nelson's statements and the lack of advanced DNA testing.

Nelson's Excuses and Lack of Funds

The podcasters question Nelson's excuses for not testing the evidence, including lack of funds, a busy caseload, and fear of ramifications.

The Attorney General's Response and Declining Assistance

The podcasters share the Indiana Attorney General's response to Darleen's family's plea for assistance, in which they declined to help and encouraged the family to pursue other avenues.

The Prosecutor's Discretion and Accountability

The podcasters discuss the broad discretion that prosecutors have in the US, making it difficult to hold them accountable for inaction.

Nelson's Resistance and Maintaining Control

The podcasters suggest that Nelson's resistance to involving the Attorney General's office is likely due to his desire to maintain control over the case.

The Lack of Investigation and Seriousness

The podcasters express concern about the lack of investigation and DNA testing in Darleen's case, suggesting that the authorities are not taking the case seriously enough.

The Prosecutor's Duty and Serving the Public

The podcasters emphasize the prosecutor's duty to serve the public and investigate cases thoroughly, particularly in cases of murder.

The Importance of Investigation and Bringing Charges

The podcasters reiterate the importance of investigating cases and bringing charges against those who are guilty, even if the crime occurred a long time ago.

The Case Remains Unsolved and Lack of Progress

The podcast discusses the unsolved murder of Darling Holes and the lack of progress in the investigation. The prosecutor, Nelson Chipman, has been criticized for his handling of the case, with many believing he has not been respectful to the victim's family.

A Secret Confession and New Lead

The podcast explores a new lead in the case: a confession made by a man named Jason to a friend at a bar. The tipster, who wishes to remain anonymous, provides details about Jason's alleged confession and his background.

Investigating Jason and Criminal History

The podcast delves into Jason's background, revealing his extensive criminal history and potential connections to the victim's family. The investigation uncovers Jason's work logs, which suggest he was out of town on the day of the murder, but inconsistencies in his mileage logs raise doubts about his alibi.

Reaching Out to Jason and Fear of Violence

The podcast details the attempts to contact Jason for an interview, but he has not responded. The podcasters also reach out to people who knew Jason in the past, who are afraid to speak due to his violent history.

Our Lingering Obsession and Mike Parsons

The podcast revisits the Parsons family, specifically Mike Parsons, who has been a person of interest in the case. The podcasters explore Mike's mental health and his potential involvement in the murder, based on tips from family members and locals.

The Buried Bus Property and Interview Attempts

The podcasters visit the Parsons property, where a buried bus is located, and attempt to interview Mike Parsons. They speak with his mother, who provides information about Mike's current condition and his past.

The FBI Profile and Mike Parsons's Characteristics

The podcast analyzes the FBI profile of the offender and compares it to Mike Parsons's characteristics. The podcasters discuss the potential significance of Mike's mental health and his alleged involvement in the case.

The Cause of Death and Questioning the Attacker's Strength

The podcast explores the possibility that Darling Holes was strangled, rather than killed by blunt force trauma. The podcasters interview the coroner, who discusses the lack of a skull fracture and raises questions about the attacker's strength.

The Importance of Accuracy and Impact of a Confession

The podcast emphasizes the importance of accurate information in the case, particularly regarding the cause of death. The podcasters discuss the potential impact of a future confession and the need for a thorough investigation.

The Daughters' Fight for Justice and Resilience

The podcast highlights the resilience and determination of Darling Holes's daughters, who are fighting for justice for their mother. The podcasters express admiration for their empathy and their unwavering pursuit of the truth.

The Search for Answers Continues and Call to Action

The podcast concludes with a call to action, urging listeners to continue to support the family's fight for justice. The podcasters express their commitment to keeping the case in the public eye until answers are found.


Touch DNA

Touch DNA refers to the DNA that can be transferred from one person to another through contact, such as skin cells left on an object. It is a valuable tool in forensic investigations, especially when traditional DNA samples are not available.

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

DNA is a molecule that carries genetic information in all living organisms. It is composed of two strands that are twisted together to form a double helix. DNA analysis is a powerful tool in forensic science, used to identify individuals and link them to crime scenes.

Chain of Custody

Chain of custody refers to the documentation of the handling and movement of evidence from the time it is collected to the time it is presented in court. It is essential to ensure the integrity and admissibility of evidence in legal proceedings.

Probable Cause

Probable cause is a legal standard that requires a reasonable belief that a crime has been committed and that the person to be arrested or searched is involved in the crime. It is a necessary requirement for obtaining a warrant or conducting a search.

Statute of Limitations

A statute of limitations is a law that sets a time limit for bringing a legal action. It varies depending on the type of crime and the jurisdiction. In some cases, the statute of limitations may be extended or waived under certain circumstances.

Gross Negligence

Gross negligence is a legal term that refers to a reckless disregard for the safety of others. It is a higher standard of negligence than ordinary negligence and can result in more severe consequences.


Discretion refers to the power or right to decide what should be done in a particular situation. Prosecutors have a great deal of discretion in deciding whether to pursue charges, what charges to pursue, and how to handle a case.

Cold Case

A criminal investigation that has been inactive for a significant period, often due to a lack of leads or evidence. Cold cases are often revisited with new technologies or investigative techniques.

DNA Testing

A forensic technique used to identify individuals based on their unique genetic makeup. DNA testing is often used in criminal investigations to link suspects to crime scenes or victims.


  • What new information did the podcasters uncover about Darleen's cause of death?

    A medical expert consulted by the podcasters believes that Darleen was strangled, not killed by blunt force trauma as previously determined. This new information is based on the presence of a fractured hyoid bone and other evidence of trauma to the neck muscles.

  • Why are the podcasters frustrated with the authorities' handling of the case?

    The podcasters are frustrated by the lack of progress in the investigation, particularly the authorities' reluctance to test key pieces of evidence, such as Darleen's underwear and the sexual assault kit. They also question the prosecutor's lack of urgency and his inconsistent statements about the case.

  • What are the next steps for the podcasters and the authorities?

    The podcasters plan to continue investigating the case, focusing on unanswered questions and potential leads. The authorities should test Ron's DNA against the partial male profile found on Darleen's blouse and then test other evidence to potentially identify the suspect. They should also obtain a DNA swab from Kenneth McCune Jr. and investigate other potential suspects.

  • What is the significance of the witness who saw Darleen alive in the suspect's car?

    This witness's testimony contradicts the previous theory that Darleen was unconscious or dead when taken from the house. It suggests that Darleen was alive and potentially able to provide information about her abductor. This information could be crucial in identifying the suspect and understanding the events leading up to her death.

  • What is the impact of the case on Darleen's family?

    The case has had a profound impact on Darleen's family, who have been seeking answers for nearly four decades. They are frustrated by the lack of progress in the investigation and the authorities' lack of urgency. However, they remain resilient and determined to find closure.

  • What is the main focus of the podcast?

    The podcast investigates the unsolved murder of Darling Holes, exploring various leads and potential suspects, while highlighting the challenges faced by the victim's family in seeking justice.

  • What are the key criticisms of the prosecutor, Nelson Chipman?

    Chipman has been criticized for his lack of communication with the victim's family, his perceived disrespect towards them, and his apparent lack of progress in the investigation.

  • What is the significance of the alleged bar confession?

    The confession, if true, provides a new lead in the case and identifies Jason as a potential suspect. However, the tipsters' accounts are third-hand, requiring further investigation to confirm the details.

  • What are the main concerns regarding Mike Parsons's potential involvement?

    Mike's mental health, his alleged history of deviant behavior, and his potential access to a green car, similar to the one described by witnesses, raise concerns about his possible involvement in the murder.

  • What is the importance of determining the cause of death?

    The cause of death is crucial for identifying the perpetrator and for ensuring a fair and accurate investigation. The podcast explores the possibility that Darling Holes was strangled, which could alter the FBI profile and the investigation's focus.

  • What is the podcast's call to action?

    The podcast encourages listeners to support the victim's family by signing the petition, sharing the series, and contacting authorities to demand updates and accountability. The podcasters emphasize the importance of public pressure in seeking justice for Darling Holes.

Show Notes

This is The Deck Investigates Season One, episodes 13-18. 

  • Click HERE to sign the petition and demand justice for Darlene Hulse.
  • If you believe you have information about Darlene Hulse’s 1984 abduction and murder in Argos, Indiana, please email

To view information and photos referenced in these episodes, visit:


Find more of The Deck Investigates on social media.

The Deck Investigates is hosted by Ashley Flowers. 

Text Ashley at +1 (317) 733-7485 to share your thoughts about the case, discuss all things true crime, get behind the scenes updates, and more!









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The Deck Investigates S1 | Part 3

The Deck Investigates S1 | Part 3
